Thursday, August 24, 2006

Vista 2 in DVD for free

I got this from some other blog, really interesting :

OK, OK .... I know that within less than 1 month RC1 will be available ... but hey ... How many here in India are actually using Vista Beta 2 ? RC1 will be available for FREE to Beta 2 users. It will also be available for free to downlaod, but Beta 2 users can directly upgrade.

Now even when Vista Beta 2 was made publicly available for download, many could'nt download because of one main reason :: 3.5GB download takes (even more time if you are planning to download during the night for free .. cause you have only 6 hours at a strectch). Ok, so you can order a DVD ...... but that's cost's too, and surely not many is interested in paying for a BETA MS product after all

BUT .. now you can get a FREE DVD of Vista Beta 2 by just answering some simple 8 questions, then signing with a Live ID (that too available for free if you don't have one ---- btw all MSN accouns are Live ID's )

The Microsoft Quiz Page :

Ok ... and for someone that have missed the link .... see again .. /india/ However the offer is not restricted to India only !!

And in case you can't answer the 8 questions then here are the answers
1. Vista
2. Clarity
3. November 2006
4. True
5. Aero
6. All of the above
7. All of the above
8. 512MB

After successful registration you'll receive :
Thank you for taking part in the Microsoft Future Assured Quiz.
Your copy of Windows Vista Beta 2 CD will be dispatched shortly.

Now I hope they mean Vista Beta 2 DVD's and not CD